Saturday, February 28, 2009

Grendel and Nietzsches review

This is essay by Aaron Hanson is believe it or not on how Grendel is the poster child of the Anti-Christ. The essay uses lines from the story and Grendel's actions to support this position. The author goes on to say that Nietzsche ideals are to have no pity. Which the author supports except for the pity he shows towards the queen. He says that Grendel found that it was meaningless for the queen to be alive but also meaningless if she was dead. This he said was Grendel's only nihilist act. He goes on to say that the men are the true nihilists. He says that Grendels main purpose was to take hope and dignity from all the men. And the author finishes by saying that religion is a lie made up by Peter to give people morality and envoke pity which is the true evil. In his last pragraph he tells us that Gardner's book and it's concepts is great support and example of Nietzsche ideals.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Grendel's Mere

This is a blog in which the person talks about Grendel and the things this monster represents. The author shows that Grendel is easily related to due to Gardener's used of Grendel's intelligence. He then goes on to argue that Grendel's intellect is only surpassed by that of the Dragon. He explains that Grendel's actions are only because he knows that no matter his choices in life it will end the same way by being killed by the men. He goes on to say that Grendel tried to pospon the humans advancements of society and also slow the human's evential extinction of themselves. He also praises Gardener for using the poem and not minipulating the poem in any way. He says that the book not only fits with the poem but it explains parts of the poem that were unknown.

Grendel Radio Broadcast Review

This radio segment is about the opera produced by Elliot Goldenthal. The opera they reported was not exactly like the book due to the opera's need for more melodrama so most of the subtle themes were cast aside. The opera made the people relate to Grendel by giving all of his lines in modern English instead of old English which they gave to the men. This forced the people to relate to him. Also another huge difference was that Grendel, since he was an outsider and mostly thought all of his lines, they gave him three shadows with different personalities to talk to. The broadcast then goes on more about the composer Goldenthal and how he had to overcome obsticals like a brain injury to get the opera to be a success.

Why is Grendel a Classic?

Grendel is a classic to me mainly because of it's twist one archetypes the story is told from a monsters prospective but by using this prospective you get the inner workings of this supposed monster and finds that he is actually more kind at heart then even the men he observes. He does have his occasional busts of cravings for flesh but he later fells bad for them and tries to avoid these episodes. This is one of the first books to ever take a story and tell it from the "antagonist"'s side and this is why I think the story is a classic.


There is really only one character in this story who is prominent enough in this book to have a definite archetype, which is Grendel. Grendel's archetype is one of the main reasons why I found this book to be a classic. This was a revolutionary type in which he is at the start a monster but as you find out he turns more into an innocent embarking on a journey. Anther character who you my be able to put a archetype on would be Unferth who could be categorized as somewhat of a Hero but never proves it in this book but we were told he prier to the time heroic.